AI in Education
This cluster investigates how people learn about, adapt to and understand emerging artificial intelligence technologies in education.
While many forms of AI technology are increasingly infused in our everyday lives, the impact of AI in education is unclear. Teachers and students may recognize that underlying some technology may be an implementation of AI but they may not necessarily understand its implications.
AI can enhance teaching and learning by complementing instructional and assessment practices through the use of big data, machine learning and sophisticated prediction algorithms. There is promise of AI in support roles such as chat-bots and intelligent tutors. Yet there is not a clear understanding of the impact of AI on education, educators and learners, particularly related to ethics, responsible use, security/privacy, data collection, ambiguous decision making, inherent bias, job loss and loss of control.
There is an emerging call from researchers of many disciplines (computer science, engineering, learning sciences, HCI community, education) to address the need for fostering AI literacy in those who may not have technical backgrounds. There is an urgent need for research to better understand the potential challenges and opportunities for supporting educators in developing informed understandings about the appropriate and responsible use of AI tools.
Our cluster explores the evolving definitions, terminology and core concepts of AI as they relate to education. How do educators plan for and understand the complexities and implications of the integration of AI tools? How do educators stay current in the context of rapid and complex AI application developments? How do educators address responsible use of AI? What are the impacts and implications of AI integration in education today and in the future?
Cluster Leader
Lesley Wilton is an Assistant Professor at York University’s Faculty of Education and a member of the International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society. She developed and teaches one of the few courses on AIED and is the primary author of Where is the AI? AI Literacy for Educators. She joins the call for more educators to publish research on issues of AIED.