Daniel L. Hocutt

Dr. Daniel L. Hocutt serves as the Web Manager on the Marketing & Engagement team at the University of Richmond School of Professional & Continuing Studies in Richmond, Virginia. He also serves as an Adjunct Professor of Liberal Arts in the same school, teaching composition, technical communication and research methods.

As a technical communicator, he applies his research interests in digital literacy, the rhetoric of algorithms, and the influence of machine learning and artificial intelligence to the web and social media platform activity required of his marketing role. He focuses especially on the ethics of algorithmic influence, from coding to development to implementation, and advocates for transparency in search and social media industries.


Ph.D. in Technical Communication, Old Dominion University, 2019

M.A. in English, University of Richmond, 1998

B.A. in English, University of Richmond, 1992


Web and Social Media Platform Manager, University of Richmond (2001-present)

Freelance Web Developer, Northern Virginia (2001-2010)

Director, Virginia Summer Residential Governor’s School for Humanities and Visual & Performing Arts (1998-2001)

Secondary English Teacher, Chesapeake Public Schools (1992-1996)


Stambler, D. M., Ranade, N., Hocutt, D. L., Fonash, S., Campbell, J. L., Duin, A. H., Tham, J., Veeramoothoo, S., & Verhulsdonck, G. (2024). Beyond digital literacy: Investigating threshold concepts to foster engagement with digital life in technical communication pedagogy. Technical Communication Quarterly, online first.

Hocutt, D. L. (2024). SEO as audience analysis: Accounting for algorithms in content strategy. Technical Communication, 71(3). Online first.

Hocutt, D. L, Ranade, N., Chen, J., & Davis, K. (2024). Data analytics for TPC curriculum. Programmatic Perspectives, 15(1), 200–209.

Hocutt, D. L., & Duin, A. H. (2024). Contracting out and partnering with AI. Intercom, 71(2), 9–13.

Hocutt, D. L. (2024). Composing with generative AI on digital advertising platforms. Computers and Composition, 71, 1–16.

Hocutt, D. L. (2024). Seeing professional experience through an academic lens — and vice versa. Intercom, 71(1), 29–33.

Hocutt, D. L., & Ranade, N. (2023, May). Investigating data analytics with AI for user analysis in TC. Education session presented at the 2023 Society for Technical Communication (STC) Summit in Atlanta, GA.

Hocutt, D. L. (2023, October). Ethical data analytics: Investigating data analytics as a pedagogical practice. Workshop presented at the 2023 Special Interest Group on Design of Communication (SIGDOC) conference in Orlando, FL

Ranade, N., & Hocutt, D. L. (2022, April). Ethical data analytics: Investigating data analytics as a research practice for the humanities. 4-VA funded 2-hour collaborative research workshop for humanities faculty and graduate students presented at Virginia Tech (April 7), Old Dominion University (April 14), George Mason University (April 21) and James Madison University (April 28).

Ranade, N., & Hocutt, D. L. (2022, October). Incorporating data analytics as user analysis method for TPC research, training & practice. Workshop presented at the 2022 Council for Programs in Technical & Scientific Communication (CPTSC) annual conference, Colorado Spring, CO.

Duin, A. H., Hocutt, D. L., Pedersen, I., Ranade, N., Tham, J., & Verhulsdonck, G. (2022, June). Smart / Datafied / Autonomous: How artificial intelligence creates new roles and tasks for technical communication. Workshop 1 of 2 given for COM&TEC Italy. Technical communication qualification course module. Remote via Zoom in English with simultaneous Italian translation.

Ranade, N., & Hocutt, D. L. (2022, June). Investigating data analytics with AI for user analysis in TC. Workshop 2 of 2 given for COM&TEC Italy. Technical communication qualification course module. Remote via Zoom in English with simultaneous Italian translation.

Ranade, N., & Hocutt, D. L. (2022). Exploring data analytics in TPC. Council for Programs in Technical & Scientific Communication (CPTSC)-funded 5-module workshop series presented January–March 2022. Remote via Zoom.

Davis, K., Stambler, D., Veeramoothoo, S., Ranade, N., Hocutt, D., Tham, J., Misak, J., Duin, A. H., & Pedersen, I. (2021, August 25). Fostering student digital literacy through The Fabric of Digital Life. Journal of Interactive Technology & Pedagogy.

Hocutt, D. L. (2021). Interrogating Alexa: Holding voice assistants accountable for their answers. Proceedings of the 39th ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication.

Tham, J., Burnham, K., Hocutt, D., Ranade, N., Misak, J., Duin, A.H., Pedersen, I., & Campbell, J.L. (2021). Metaphors, mental models, and multiplicity: Understanding student perception of digital literacy. Computers and Composition, 59.

Hocutt, D. L. (2018). Algorithms as information brokers: Visualizing rhetorical agency in platform activities. Present Tense – A Journal of Rhetoric in Society, 6(3).

Brown, M. E., & Hocutt, D. L. (2017). Pervasive pedagogy: Collaborative cloud-based composing using Google Drive. In B. Gurung & M. Limbu (Eds.), Integration of cloud technologies in digitally networked classrooms and learning communities (pp. 98-119). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Hocutt, D. L. (2017). The complex example of online search: Studying emergent agency in digital environments. Proceedings of the 35th ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication.

Hocutt, D. L. (2016). User activity in context: Technical communicators as articulators of Google Analytics data. Proceedings of the 34th ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication.
