Akira Tokuhiro
Akira Tokuhiro is currently Dean and Professor, Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science at Ontario Tech University. Ontario Tech University is one of Canada’s youngest universities, located on the eastern edge of the greater Toronto (Canada) area. As Dean he administratively manages all aspects of the Faculty’s teaching (including professional training), research, professional outreach and enrolled undergraduate and graduate students. Importantly, the Faculty hosts Canada’s only undergraduate nuclear engineering degree, as well as health physics and radiation science. The Faculty also offers Master of Science, Master of Engineering, Graduate Diploma and Ph.D. in nuclear engineering and nuclear technology. The Faculty engages in and is interested in professional training. As professor, Dr. Tokuhiro’s professional accomplishments are mainly in energy, nuclear energy and complex engineering issues and problems based on data science. He moved to Canada from NuScale Power LLC (US), after NuScale completed the design and certification of its Small Modular Reactor. He has also held appointments at Pacific Northwest, Idaho and Argonne National Laboratories (USA) and has 10 years of international R&D experience at the Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland) and Japan Atomic Energy Agency. While on faculty at University of Missouri-Rolla (now Missouri University, Science & Technology), he was Director of its nuclear reactor facility, as well as US Nuclear Regulatory Commission-licensed Senior Reactor Operator. Notably, he served on the American Nuclear Society President’s Committee on the Fukushima Accident and served as technical editor on a book on the accident, “On the Brink: The Inside Story of Fukushima Daiichi”. A movie on based on this book which was released in March 2020.
Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, 1991, Purdue University
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1984, University of Rochester
B.S., Engineering Science (Physics), 1981, Purdue University
Dean and Professor, Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science, Ontario Tech University (Canada)
Senior Principal Engineer, NuScale Power LLC, Oregon (USA)
Director, Nuclear Engineering Graduate Program, University of Idaho (USA)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Idaho (USA)
Associate Professor, Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, Kansas State University (USA)
Assistant Professor, Nuclear Engineering, University of Missouri – Rolla (USA)
Director, Rolla Nuclear Reactor Facility, University of Missouri – Rolla (USA)
Various appointments at Pacific Northwest, Idaho and Argonne National Laboratories (USA)
Invited International Research Fellow, (current) Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Research Staff, Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland)