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AI Killed the Radio Star Again

The Digital Life Institute and Ontario Tech University proudly present an in-person research seminar and demonstration exploring the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the music industry. What does the use of AI-powered tools say about human creativity and machine learning? Algorithms and data-driven platforms have changed the landscape of music production. The seminar […]

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Joint International Conference on Ethics and Integrity in Academia: Plagiarism, Prevention, and Pedagogy in a New Digital Era

Alyson E. King will present her research and chair two sessions at this conference in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada Day 2: May 22, 2024 So, now what do I do? Tips for dealing with academic misconduct. Alyson King, Ontario Tech University, Canada Day 3, May 23, 10h45-12h00 - Session Chair: Alyson King The curriculum dilemmas in fostering […]

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Bioethics and the Ethics of AI

What ethical frameworks for the quick evolution of artificial intelligence and biotechnology? Welcome to USP en conversation - SPU Talks! Join us for an engaging event where we bring together experts to discuss a wide range of topics. From ethics to art, from reconciliation to artificial intelligence, there is something for everyone. Prepare to listen, […]

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Lesley Wilton presented at Applied Machine Learning Days (AMLD) 2024 sponsored by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Her presentation, AI Literacy in the Education Field, can be viewed here. Lesley and also participated in a panel discussion titled Data and AI Literacy – Quo Vadis, which can be heard here.

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Ontario Tech University: Creative AI?

Join us for our spring speakers forum hosted by Digital Life Institute and Trustworthy AI Lab! Historically, creativity has been judged according to its impact and ways that people moved other people’s thinking, challenged longstanding beliefs, or transformed a field. Artificial Intelligence has raised sensationalized debates concerning not only the question over its ability to […]

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Al, Education and Changing Cultural Values

Join the Artificial Intelligence Initiative on March 6th from 12:00-1:30 pm on Zoom for this semester's first speaker series event. Dr. Isabel Pedersen of the University of Ontario and the Director of the Digital Life Institute will discuss Al, education and changing cultural values.

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Ontario Tech University: Embracing the Diversity of the Intellectual and Social Landscapes when Conducting Research in Computing or Developing Intelligent Systems

Alvine Boaye Belle presents at UB 1055, North Campus, OntarioTech University. Talk description: Digital discrimination occurs when intelligent systems make automated decisions based on specific individual attributes (e.g., income, education, gender, and ethnicity) or when relying on biased data engineering practices. This may reinforce social inequities by supporting the automation of consequential and sometimes unfair […]

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Mining Ourselves: Collaborative Autoethnography (CAE) as Methodology

Daniel Hocutt, Ann Hill Duin, Jessica Lynn Campbell, and Mollie Stambler present. Autoethnography is a research method that draws from a variety of autobiographical data–such as memories, documents, ongoing self-reflections and observations–to explore and investigate social phenomena (Chang, 2016). Collaborative autoethnography (CAE) has multiple researchers use a multilayered approach to collecting data, performing ongoing self-reflection, […]

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