Timothy MacNeill
Timothy MacNeill is Senior Teaching Professor of Political Science and Director of Sustainability Studies at Ontario Tech University. His research occurs where culture and equity interact with ideas of sustainable development. Recent work has examined how afro-descendent and Indigenous communities in the Global South are impacted by libertarian-utopian crypto-cities, largescale tourism projects, and mining of minerals used in computing and batteries. He has also recently studied the relationship between Indigenous culture and nature relatedness and the potential of digital technologies in Indigenous cultural revitalization. Dr. MacNeill has ongoing projects studying the conditions for decoloniality, the ways in which culture and ethnic diversity impact cooperation for collective goods provision and environmental protection, and how Universal Basic Income policies can be made environmentally sustainable.
Timothy is also an award-winning musician and songwriter who has released more than 100 recordings over the last 20 years. His latest releases have been in support of Ukrainian refugees, Black Lives Matter, and Extinction Rebellion. These can be viewed here along with most of his collection.
PhD in Communication and Culture, York University
Master of Development Economics (MDE), Dalhousie University
B.A. (honours) in International Development Studies, Saint Mary’s University
B.A. in Economics, Saint Mary’s University
Selected Publications
“Indigenous Culture and Sustainable Development in Latin America”. Palgrave-MacMillan. 2020.
“Indigenous Culture and Nature Relatedness: Results from a Collaborative Study”. (Forthcoming with North Shore Tribal Council).
“The Conditions for Decoloniality: Insights from Anishinaabe Northern Ontario on Income Assistance for First Nations”. (Forthcoming with North Shore Tribal Council & Carola Ramos)
“Challenging the ‘Absent State’: Neoliberal Extractivist Governance and State Effects in the Northwest Peruvian Amazon”. (Forthcoming Political Geography with Carola Ramos).
“Decolonizing Social Services through Community Development: An Anishinaabe Experience”. Community Development Journal. (With the North Shore Tribal Council and Carola Ramos), 2021.
“Food sovereignty in a captured state: the Garifuna in Honduras”. Third World Quarterly, 41(9), 1537-1555. 2020.
“Racism in the Lab: Evidence of Statistical and Taste-Based Discrimination in a Simulated Labor Market”. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 85, 2020. (Second author with D. Wozniak)
“Universal Basic Income and the Natural Environment: Theory and Policy”. Basic Income Studies, 14(1), 2019. (First author with A. Vibert)
“The Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Cruise Tourism (on Indigenous Communities)”. Tourism Management, 66(1), p. 387-404, 2018. (First author with D. Wozniak)
“Development as Imperialism: Power and the Perpetuation of poverty in Afro-Indigenous Communities of Coastal Honduras”. Humanity & Society, 4(2), p. 209-239, 2017.
“Culturally Sustainable Development: Maya Culture, Indigenous Institutions, and Alternative Development in Guatemala”. Cultural Dynamics, 26(3), p. 299-325, 2014.
“Environmental Citizenship, Maya Cosmovision, and Cultural Rights in Guatemala”. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies, 7(4), p. 17-30, 2014.